By Michelle Goodchild - HRDE
For our first Spring at Holy Red Deer Estate, we started with a floral bang! We visited one of our preferred suppliers of organic dried flowers for a ‘pick your own morning’ @wildacresflowers in Helidon about a 30-minute drive from the estate. Briana, myself, Jude
from @dearagnustheflorist and lifestyle photographer @christinalowryphotography (who is responsible for these amazing photos) pranced Angie’s romantic fields of paper daisies whilst learning the correct way flower picking for drying flowers perfectly like in her magical shed.
It was just a huge big sigh, as we got to totally relax on an eclectic mix of vintage furniture, fabrics under a tree hung swing and a garland of glass jars filled with spring flowers and chat over morning tea.
Mindy also went for her own version of ‘pick your own’
Spring at HRDE is the most beautiful weather with perfect days and gelato sunsets and magical starry nights, I guess that’s why it is the most popular wedding season and we look forward to that next year.
Fathers day was not only important to celebrate the brawn behind HRDE David and all the amazing work he has done, but also marked the day we discovered HRDE on a father’s day country drive a year ago. I instantly fell in love with the property and I still pinch myself daily that I get to be a custodian of such an amazing piece of Queensland history.
With love in the air, we had our first Local wedding and the lovely couple Rob
and Grace Lunow tied the knot in front of family and friends in a classical white
wedding in our chapel followed by a gathering in the courtyard. Our local florist & plant supplier @flowersbyfelicity is decorated in classic style with white orchids, blackberries, dark ferns & locally grown foliage both in the church and courtyard. It was a really relaxed & beautiful ceremony and the highlight was their romantic first dance to Elvis in the church courtyard.
With love in the air, we were excited to have some cool cute couples come on board with booking their future big days @holyreddeerestate and a special Wohoo to Courtney Shaun on their September engagement. We also officially partnered with the Wedshed and look forward to spreading the good news about HRDE.
Lastly, it was time to receive some generational pieces and HRDE was truly blessed to receive the Pianola from the Toogoolawah Condensary into our hall as well as an old sideboard I will renovate for wedding cake displays, old heavy brass candlesticks from my grandmother and thanks to uncle Ron a now working butter churn.
Spring we loved having you at HRDE.